WHEATON® Sample Vials, 20mL or 0.68oz Amber, 24-400 Finish with 14B Rubber Liner, Type I Borosilicate Glass (20 mL Vial In Lab File, Amber, Rubber Lined Cap)
WHEATON UK is the UK's premier manufacturer of tubular glass vials and Will be available bulk packed or individually wrapped with collection cup.
20mL, E-C Vials, Clear, 24-400, 28 x 57mm, case/200.
Designed to use separating organic and inorganic compounds for analysis, chromatography vials come in different finishes to guarantee chemical compatibility
Items 1 - 10 of 11 Vials, Plates & Caps for HPLC and GC There are 11 products. · 96-Well Plate with Glass Inserts Designed for High Th roughput Chromatography.
reference for your convenience. Alltech®. GracePure™/Vydac®. 1.5mL autosampler vial plate, volumetric plate, and 12 retaining clips.
Crimp Top 11mm Clear Glass 1.5 mL HPLC Autosampler Vials w 1.5mL Clear, ND11, Crimp Neck Vial, 30 2022-03 · 2ml HPLC Vial for Sale WHEATON.
Zhejiang Aijiren is the leading epa voa vial supplier and manufacturer,welcome to inquiry epa voa vial from 1.5ml 9mm Short Thread Autosampler Vials ND9.
MicroLiter's stringent cleaning of every autosampler vial that enters inserts can be lifted in bulk for a quick visual check or movement.
Glass HPLC Vial ; Material, Glass ; Color, Tranparent, Blue ; Capacity, 1.5 ml ; Brand, Althea Technology ; Packaging Type, Box.
per well; Medium working volume per well is between 0.5 ml - 1.5 ml; WHEATON® LAB FILE® 8 mL sample vial; 2 Drams capacity; Clear glass -.
China leading HPLC sample vials supplier and manufacturers,welcome to wholesale cheap HPLC sample vials from us.
1.8 ml Vial, Clear, Screw Top, Unassem Cap. DWK Life Sciences (Wheaton) CLEAR Cap/ Closure Size 8-425 Cap Color Black Bottle / Vial Style Chromatography
Results 1 - 24 of 707 Save on Glass Vials at Amazon's Labware Store, featuring every day ... Transparent Empty Glass Liquid Sampling Lab Vials in Bulk with ...
glass, PET and HPDE, the WHEATON® line of vials is the largest WHEATON® CryoELITE® Cryogenic Vials ... E-C Sample Vial. 40mL. 2mL. 1.8mL. 1.5mL.