We supply autosampler vials, septa and caps at factory price. 1. 1.5mL 11mm Snap Ring Vial ND11 can be used for GC and HPLC. 2. Made from advanced technology and excellent raw materials. 3. Assembled with cap and septa , use them instantly to save your time. 4. There are two kinds of colors, glass and amber. 5.
Add selected to cart. Description. Description. Minimize contamination from handling with convenient, pre-assembled Thermo Scientific™ 11mm Autosampler Vial Crimp Caps, compatible with most HPLC and GC autosamplers. Choose from Thermo Scientific, National or Chromacol brands. Product Size. Pack of 100. Description.
Thermo Scientific™ National Scientific Brand 11mm Autosampler Vial Crimp Caps. Minimize contamination from handling. Convenient and pre-assembled are compatible with most HPLC and GC autosamplers. Aluminum crimp seals with prefitted septa fit all 11mm crimp top and snap cap vials. Shipped in sealed polybags to prevent contamination during
Product Number Product Description SDS; 22313-U: Hand crimper, adjustable, for use with 11mm crimp top vials, pkg of 1 ea: Pricing: 22316-U: Hand crimper, adjustable, for use with 20 mm crimp seals, pkg of 1 ea
Aijiren is one of the largest 2ml crimp autosampler vial manufacturer, which can supply 2ml crimp autosampler vial with insert in wholesale price. welcoem to inquiry. Inserts - Vials | Sigma-Aldrich. Glass inserts are sold in two diameters for 2mL vials; one for standard opening (4.6 mm) vials and another for large opening (6 mm).
Attach or remove crimp vial seals with high sample security with a simple, one-handed push of a button. Thermo Scientific™ Electronic Vial Crimpers and Decrimpers are available as handheld and high-power models for 8mm, 11mm, 13mm, and 20mm crimp vial caps. These Electronic Vial Crimpers also feature adjustable settings for best crimp results
Vials for Waters ® 96-position carousel, 8 x 40 mm, volume 1 mL, clear glass vial, conical bottom, closure type, crimp top vial, pkg of 125 ea Expand View Pricing
11mm Crimp Vial Supplier--Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC. The Aijiren 2ml crimp autosampler vial requires an 11mm crimp finish and requires an aluminum seal closure. Crimping aluminum caps are superior seals than screw caps and snap caps. In addition, crimp caps are resistant to high temperatures. However, a 2ml crimp autosample vial
Nov 02, 2021 · Great set of tools, vials are made well, rubber stoppers are thick and don't shred from repeated needle punctures. The crimper was great once you figured out the pressure needed to properly crimp the seals on the vials and I was in the process of crimping some vials recently and the crimper snapped, thought I got too rough and shattered a vial but that was the crimper.
Target Precision Taper™ 11mm Crimp Top Vial. Target Snap-It Crimp/Snap Vials. Wide Opening Crimp Top Vials. Wide Opening Crimp Top Vials Unassembled Convenience Kit. 11mm Clear Glass Crimp/Snap Top Vials2. Limited Volume Snap Ring™/Crimp Top Vials - Plastic Vials, 11mm Crimp. 11mm Amber Glass Crimp/Snap Top Vials.
Crimpers Hand crimper, for use with 11mm crimp seals, pkg of 1 ea; find Supelco-33195 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich
Sigma hplc sample vials manufacturer- Aijiren Crimp Vials Sep 27, 2021 · Home » News » HPLC Septa Cap » clear vial septa closure for HPLC vial Sigma Sigma 20ml thread headspace glass vials in borosil for GC/MS 20 mL, 30 mL, 40 mL and 60 mL vials in clear and amber glass of 1st hydrol. class glass Bonded Silicone/PTFE closures, thread design
Hand crimper, for use with 11mm crimp seals, pkg of 1 ea. Pricing. 33279-U. Hand crimper, for use with 13mm seals, pkg of 1 ea. Pricing. 33280-U. Hand crimper, for use with 20mm seals, pkg of 1 ea.
Vials Catalogue v10 - Sigma-Aldrich. 12 x 32mm Vials have wide opening target areas for easy needle penetration Description Pack Size Prod. No. Pack Size Prod. No. 12 x 32mm, Wide opening, crimp top vials and caps Vials 2.0mL, Clear glass, 6.0mm opening, crimp top 100 SU860055. amber vial caps with patch supplier VWR-Aijiren Vials