Flanged caps are preferred for Shimadzu and Tosoh autosamplers 2mL. 1.5mL. <170. 03-391-6. 100. Fisherbrand 11mm Crimp Top Vials and Inserts – Wide ...
Aijiren 9mm screw thread vials have a volume of 0.3mL micro vials and make it easier to attach or Certified 2ml Clear HPLC Vial with Cap Manufacturer.
Headspace Crimp and Screw Top Vials with magnetic caps for total Volume. Vial. Vial P/N. Closure. Septum. Closure P/N. Qty. 500 726. 2mL. Clear StepVial.
meet or even exceed GC manufacturers' already-strict specifications and 2.0 mL Crimp Vial Convenience Kits (Vials, Caps & Septa).
40% larger target area which makes it much safer for the autosampler needle. Snap vials can be closed with either snap caps or crimp caps. Snap cap vials cannot
Inserts for Vial of 2 mL Crimp Cap and Screw Cap Limited Volume Polypropylene and Glastic Vials ... standard Opening Vials for Shimadzu.
When compared to other 1.5ml/2ml vials, SureStop yields the lowest loss Vol. = Residual Volume (µl). 14. 1. Crim p Neck ND8. 1. Crimp Neck ND8.
VWR® 20 mm Clear Crimp Seal Headspace Vials and Caps. Supplier: VWR International. Description: These 10 and 20 ml crimp top headspace vials are made from
Volume: 2mL Nominal Volume. • Save Money. • Basic Set of Vials and Caps with many Aijiren, CTC PAL, Perkin-Elmer, Shimadzu, and Thermo autosamplers.
Supplies Selection Guide for Non-Aijiren GC Systems. 2011-2012 EDITION. Aijiren CrossLab works with. BRUKER. PERKINELMER. SHIMADZU. THERMO SCIENTIFIC.
From start to finish, Verex™ vial and cap products are Vial, Crimp, 2 mL Wide. Mouth, Clear, No Patch ... Limited Volume Specialty Crimp-Top Vials.
Autosampler Chromatography Vials & Accessories ; CTV- M - 2 mL Vial, 11 mm Std Opening Crimp, 1000/cs. CTV- M. $137.30 ; CTV- GSA - 2 mL Amber Vial Mark,
2mL vials. • Kit 2mL Amber Glass Vial + Crimp Cap. • Compatible with: Aijiren - Merck Hitachi - Shimadzu -. Varian - Waters. • 100% guaranteed.
Shimadzu autosamplers can take 2. mL screw cap vials, 2mL crimp cap small opening vials or 4mL screw vials. Below you will find a guideline for the various
2 mL sample cup MS-20 WH for ASC-6100 and ASC-7000 racks. Used for furnace or flame microsampling. 14 mm diameter x 23.6 mm length with 2mL sample capacity.