BiMetal and standard magnetic crimp-cap seals are more rigid than aluminium Restek recommends using high-power electronic crimpers/decappers instead of ...
Screw top vials and caps - [(12 x 32 mm) - 9 mm] *Upti-Trace seals : silicone/PTFE seal - High purity for critical analysis ... Yellow for shimadzu.
Manual Decrimper Removes 8mm aluminum crimp seals without vial damage. C4008-102 1 Flanged caps are preferred for Shimadzu and Tosoh autosamplers.
Technical Information. 10. Vials. Seals. Septa. 1. Crimp Neck ND8 PP Short Thread Seals ND9. 3.5.1 PP Short Thread Cap transparent, 6mm centre hole.
Snap Seal Vials. 12. Headspace Vials and Closures. 13. Crimp Vials. 13. Screw Thread Vials. 13. Miscellaneous Vials. 14. Storage Vials, Caps & Seals.
Tisch Scientific provides Hand Crimpers, and Decrimpers for use with 11mm-20mm cap openers and 11mm-20mm, crimp seals. They are produced with quality and
Compatible with autosamplers from: Waters, Aijiren, Shimadzu, Varian, Perkin Elmer, Click here for 11mm Crimp Cap Technical Drawing & Specifications ...
Vials for Aijiren. 116-119. Wide Opening Crimp Top Vials & Crimp Caps (12 x 32 mm) 116. Crimp Seals With Different Septum Materials.
Shimadzu sells many types of vials and septa. 1st hydrolytic class and silanized glass vials. Screw vials, micro-vials, caps and sept, screw vial kits and
All the seals, caps, septa and inserts will be located on the A crimping tool is required to seal caps and a decrimper or decapper is required to remove.
Snap Seal vials can accept aluminum crimp seals or Snap Top Caps. 2701H01 through H22 are aluminum seals, 13 mm with Septa; 2701H25 through H58 are Snap Top
Crimp Neck Vial LPP Art.-. Description. LPP. Packaging Unit. See Shimadzu. 11mm. Crimper ... Further 11mm Aluminium Crimp Seals with different Septa.
Crimp-Top Verex™ vials use cost-effective aluminum crimp seals. When properly assembled, this vial-cap combination provides the best seal for long term
Generally speaking, Crimp Neck HPLC Vials has the best sealing performance and is most suitable for long-term storage of samples or volatile samples. In
CAP SIZE. CASE PACK. CRIMP VIALS. 158000. 0.30ml. 12x32mm SHIMADZU- TOC- ASI-V. VIALS ... These new Bi-Metal crimp seals were especially designed for.