Snap Seal vials can accept aluminum crimp seals or Snap Top Caps. 2701H01 through H22 are aluminum seals, 13 mm with Septa; 2701H25 through H58 are Snap Top
Use with autosamplers that require 12 x 32mm screw top or crimp top vials. VIAL DESCRIPTION. QTY. CAT. NO. PRICE. POLYPROPYLENE CAP, PTFE/SILICONE SEPTUM.
Compatible with Shimadzu Varian, and other autosampler Caps are made of high-quality aluminum Specifications: Model No. Size Description KFT-V11A 11.6x32mm
Chromacol now supplies columns packed with Thermo Scientific HypersilTM materials. 2mL amber, crimp top vials, with silicone/PTFE crimp caps.
Wide Opening Crimp Top Vials & Crimp Caps (12 x 32 mm) 116 P/N Manufacturer ... Autosampler Vials, Closures and Inserts for SHIMADZU (8-425).
Thank you for purchasing a Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph or Gas This item is ideal for a vial cap for washing/cleaning solvents.
chosen the best vials, caps, septa and accessories that meet the Crimp top vials provide the best seal of any vials. Crimp top vials also have a large ...
We are committed to the supply of high quality laboratory 2mL amber, crimp top vials, with silicone/PTFE crimp caps. 100. 2-CV7-CP. 2mL clear, crimp top .
following manufacturers:Alcott, Shimadzu, Waters: (Wisp ·It is dimensionally equivalent to 11mm crimp top vials and 10-425 screw vials.
Chromatography. MACHEREY-NAGEL. Vials and caps. ▫ GC. ▫ HPLC. ▫ Headspace. ▫ TOC. Consumables for Shimadzu®
These vials are preferentially used on instruments of the following manufacturers: Alcott, Gilson, Shimadzu, Waters · Handy vial/closure combination for
Interlocked Vial/Insert 300uL Amber, 11mm Crimp or Snap Ring 100-pk Snap Top Vial Cap 11mm Clear Polypropylene 10mil PTFE Pack of 100 · Vial Cap & Septa ...
meet or even exceed GC manufacturers' already-strict specifications and Inserts for 2.0 mL, 11 mm Crimp-Top & 2.0 mL, 9 mm Short-Cap, Screw-Thread Vials.
Description ; Product Name. Chromatography vial cap ; Usage. Liquid Medicine & Laboratory Bottle ; Marerial of cap. polypropylene ; Marerial of septa. PTFE silicone.
From start to finish, Verex HPLC, GC, and autosampler vial and cap products are Specialty Vials; Crimp-Top Vials; Screw-Top Vials; Snap-Top Vials ...