1.5mL/1.8mL crimp neck vials ND11, wide opening sample vials with matched aluminum crimp seals ND11, PTFE/rubber septa & micro-inserts.
(ND8, 9, 10, 11 & 11S) /; 2mL Crimp Cap Vials ND11. Filter Your Search. Opening. 5mm Small Opening (1); 6mm Large Opening (3). Vial Glass.
Cap. ND11 (11). Septa. PTFE | Butyl (1); PTFE | Red Rubber Silicone (5); Red PTFE | Silicone (4); PTFE | Orange Silicone (1).
2mL Crimp Cap Vials ND11. 15 Results. Sort By. Default, A-Z, Z-A, Item Code A-Z, Item Code Z-A. Show. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100. Per Page. View as:.
Back. ND11 Crimp Neck Vials & Accessories. Products (1) · Categories (8). 1 - 12 of 18. 1.5ml Crimp Neck Vial 32 x 11.6mm (clear), wide opening,
These vials are for use on instruments from the following manufacturers: Aijiren, Carlo Erba, CTC, DANI, Fisons, Gerstel, Jasco, PerkinElmer, Shimadzu,
Thermo Scientific™ Electronic Vial Crimpers and Decrimpers are available as handheld and high-power models for 8mm, 11mm, 13mm, and 20mm crimp vial caps.
The ever flat-bottomed guarantee consistent matching between vials and truly neck 6mm for Standard Glass insert. Caps are made of high quality polypropylene to