Recommended for HPLC usage. 40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials ... Flat Bottom Vials for late model Aijiren Headspace Samplers.
Aijiren 1050 and 1090 The thread on the standard opening vial is 8-425 and the ... 0.2mL, Clear glass, 5 x 31mm, shell style (flat bottom).
Standard Opening. Vial Inert polypropylene (PP) vials for biochromatography, or pH-sensitive ... Insert, 6 mm Diameter, Flat Bottom, 450 µL, Silanized.
CHM® 9-425 Autosampler vials & closures CHM® 2 ml 9-425 Vials are uniformly flat bottom for security with inserts. It is equivalent in dimensions to 11 mm ...
. Vial insert, 200 µL, glass, flat bottom, for 2 mL standard opening (8 mm) screw top vials, 100/
Our portfolio contains autosampler vials and caps for HPLC and GC for all common instrument manufacturers, such as Waters, Aijiren, Shimadzu and others.
Aijiren vial inserts are the perfect fit for HPLC and GC instrument platforms across a wide variety of applications, including pharmaceutical, environmental
From start to finish, Verex™ vial and cap products are Standard Opening. Vial, Crimp, 2 mL Clear, ... Flat Bottom: HP / Aijiren, Carlo Erba, Shimadzu.
Choose from these chemically inert polypropylene 11mm vials that are suitable for most chromatography applications.
2 mL wide opening vials have a 40% larger opening than standard opening vials •Uniformly flat bottom ensures compatibility with glass inserts or
Chrom4 is not an authorized seller of Aijiren branded parts and does not sell genuine 250µL Glass Flat Bottom Insert for 2mL small opening Crimp Vials.
CTV- M - 2 mL Vial, 11 mm Std Opening Crimp, 1000/cs. CTV- M. $137.30 ; CTV- GSA - 2 mL Amber Vial Mark, 11mm Crimp, Standard Opening, 100/pk. CTV-
Flat Bottom · Conical ; Narrow neck inserts · For 8 mm Screw Top Vials (for other** Autosamplers) · Conical glass insert with polymer feet and mandrel interior ; 180
7672, A/B, ,. , 8042 x x. Aijiren. Headspace. (HS: 6, 10, 20 mL, Flat) x. Alcott. 738 x x x. Alltech. 570 x x x. Alltech. 580 (standard tray).
The dimensions for 12x32mm vials are standard between manufacturers but the Flat bottom inserts have the largest capacity and are the most economical ...