2 mL Wide Opening Screw Thread Vials (12 x 32 mm, 9 mm). Crimp Top Vials. 2 mL Wide Opening Crimp Top Vials (12 x 32 mm, 11 mm).
Chromatography. Vials and Closures. Flat bottom. Rounded bottom. (HS-bottom). Round bottom. Conical bottom. Solid glass bottom of a microlitre vial with.
Recommended for HPLC usage. K300 - 300µl Micro-insert, flat bottom. Suits for ND9 Vials. ... 40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials.
Find the perfect autosampler chromatography vial for your HPLC or GC application. CTV- - 2mL Glass Vial, 11mm Crimp, Standard Opening, 100/pk.
40% larger neck opening versus standard opening screw top vials improve sample accessibility. • Uniformly flat bottom with insert for security.
2.0 mL, 9 mm Short-Cap, Screw-Thread Vials, 12 x 32 mm Black Polypropylene, Open-Hole Caps ... Insert for WISP 48 Vials, Flat Bottom**.
40% larger neck opening versus standard opening screw top vials improve sample accessibility. • Uniformly flat bottom with inserts for security.
2mL Clear Glass 12x32mm Flat Base 8-425 Screw Thread Vial with Label. wide opening Standard Opening Autosampler Vial on Sale Dikmatech-Aijiren Standar.
Description: Clear and amber glass vials with a rounded or flat bottom, and volumes from 1,5 to 20 ml and closures. A rounded bottom vial is more sturdy and
All MicroSolv products with special emphasis on, chromatography Inserts, 5x31mm, flat bottom. ... Dimensions: 12x32mm, 8-425 Threads w/6.0mm Opening.