The dimensions for 12x32mm vials are standard between manufacturers but the length of Screw thread vials and caps are more expensive than crimp seals.
In addition, Certified crimp vials and caps are tested over 100,000 times on our Aijiren 40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials.
Browse autosampler vials and vial inserts in various sizes and closures with and without septa, including snap, screw, or crimp top vial closure options.
Each kit includes 100 clear or amber glass vials and 100 crimp caps with pre-assembled septa. Catalog No. 03-391-4.
However, substandard vials, caps, and septa can lead to sample loss, Unsurpassed rigor in quality control and manufacturing ... Crimp caps .
There are 6 common types of liner manufactured in conjunction with vials that can be used inserted into crimp caps, screw caps and or snap caps.
Standard opening crimp-top vials have a maximum fill volume of 1.8 ml and are manufactured from inert, 33 expansion borosilicate glass.
Aijiren® 6mL Crimp Top Vials & Caps for / Series Autosampler · Aijiren® Aijiren® Screw Caps with Septa for Standard Opening 8mm Vials ...