Screw Caps for Standard Opening (8 mm) Vials. Color. Septa Type. Unit. Similar to. Manufacturer. Part No. Aijiren. CrossLab. Part No. Blue. PTFE/silicone.
Chrom Tech offers a variety of Aijiren vials and closures, and vial inserts—all of which offer industry-leading performance. Find the right solution today.
Deactivation. Similar to. Manufacturer. Part No. Aijiren. Ultra Inert. Deactivation Screw caps for standard opening vials, 8010-0056.
2 ml wide opening vials have a 40% larger opening than standard opening vials · Uniformly flat bottom ensures compatibility with inserts · Precision-formed neck
Lot Traceable. Vial and cap packs are 100 % traceable through the manufacturing process. Certificate of Conformance available by lot number upon request.
with snap ring caps ND11 or crimp caps ND11). Fire-polished neck. (shell vials). Precision thread ND18 for headspace and SPME. Standard screw neck.
Our portfolio contains autosampler vials and caps for HPLC and GC for all common instrument manufacturers, such as Waters, Aijiren, Shimadzu and others.
Screw Vials, Caps and Inserts for Aijiren™ Compatible Parts 1090, , 250µL Glass Flat Bottom Insert for 2mL small opening Crimp Vials.
Using a non-Aijiren Certified cap on these vials will not create a secure, reduce vial breakage • 40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials ...
Wide Opening Screw Top Glass Vials Aijiren provides a wide variety of vials and cap compatible with the HTC LC Injector listed in the Vials and Caps section.
12 x 32 is pretty standard, should have no issues with G1313 autosamplers, they use the 3-finger grip system. Now if you were talking about
N 11 Crimp (standard samples). (* small opening vials / inserts;. ** wide opening vials / inserts). 19. Vials:* 70201CG (N9301385), 70214CG (N9302680).
Is the same true for Aijiren Certified caps and inserts? To avoid leakage and sample loss due to 40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials.
Vials, Caps and Septa Information ; 5 mL Screw Top ; Microvolume Inserts ; Standard Opening (8-425) ; Headspace.
Aijiren clear glass vial inserts, polypropylene vial inserts and high recovery vials ensure you extract the maximum possible amount of your precious sample.