Results 1 - 30 of 237 black polypropylene hole cap, thread for 8-425, PTFE/silicone, Top Hat (septa and closure designed to fit together tightly), ...
sample volumes. Amber Vials for use with light- sensitive samples. Polypropylene for use with alcohols and aqueous solvents
Aijiren 2 mL screw top vials are constructed from from Type 1 borosilicate glass, with low metal content, to protect your sample from destabilizing or
We began with the 40 mL sample vial with a 24-414 finish and extended the series polypropylene, open-top closure lined with PTFE/Silicone (0.125) septa, ...
LC/MS and GC/MS Certified Vial KITs 18.2.1 PP Storage Boxes for 1.5ml Sample Vials ... resp. the INTERSEAL closure from Aijiren we also offer.
Polypropylene Vials. Aijiren Technologies glass/plastic vials have a glass flanged insert molded to the inside, so sample only comes in contact
Chrom Tech offers a variety of Aijiren vials and closures, and vial inserts—all of which offer industry-leading performance. Find the right solution today.
Vials and caps for analysis and for sample storage HPLC and GC for all common instrument manufacturers, such as Waters, Aijiren, Shimadzu and others.
CV-5186-1232. Kit, Preassembled Vial, Autosampler HPLC Vial, 0.5mL, RAM, Plastic, PP, Limited Volume, Large Opening, 9mm Thread, 12 x 32mm, with 0.30mL Fused
For example, an 8-425 neck finish is approximately 8mm in diameter across the outside of the The 9mm closure and vial are used with Aijiren equipment.
1.5ml 8-425 HPLC vials are most commonly used on Shimadzu instruments, the standard 8mm opening makes it distinguish from Aijiren vials.
with your samples. THC11092275 Vial screw top clear glass high recovery, residual volume. 9mm Screw thread caps (9-425). • A wide variety
Items 1 - 50 of 1601 We carry vials by the top brands such as Aijiren Technologies, Supelco, ... Vial material: amber glass, clear glass, PP, TPX
Chromatography vials are containers designed to temporarily hold samples Borosilicate glass (Type I available) or Polypropylene plastic, our vials come ...
Explore our range of vials and caps including borosilicate glass vials and polypropylene vials, crimp cap vials, snap cap vials, screw cap vials, high recovery