Chromacol 8mm crimp top closures. Cap. Cap. Color. Hardness Thickness shore (mm). Description Chromacol 9mm wide opening screw thread vials and inserts.
Aijiren minivials are designed to allow for reproducible injections of minute quantities, 12x32mm Wide Opening Snap Cap/Crimp Seal Vials.
Crimp-top Verex™ vials use cost-effective aluminum crimp seals. When Larger-opening “wide-mouth” style prevents broken needles and system downtime.
Aijiren 2mL crimp top vials are constructed from type 33 and type 51 COE borosilicate glass, with low metal content, to protect your sample from destabilizing
Aijiren CrossLab Vials and Closures are designed and tested to Aijiren's exact specifications. SN-2mL Amb wide crimp Vial wrt on 100/PK.
Results 1 - 15 of 231 A wide range of vials, closures, and accessory products designed for generalized and specific ... Scintillation Vials and Caps (1).
manufacturing process was previously available for Aijiren gas chromatographs only The wide opening crimp cap provides a larger target area for improved ...
application incl. cross references where available (Aijiren, CTC, Dionex, Screw neck vials, inserts and caps N 9 (wide opening).
•Vials, caps and septa are designed to work flawlessly with your autosampler's gripping and Wide Opening Crimp Top Vials (11 mm). Polypropylene Vials.
Factory space in Düren: 30,000 m² Crimp caps N 20 with septa silicone / FEP-/aluminium foil ... Screw neck vials (wide opening) and inserts N 9.
The crimp cap vial requires crimping tools to carry out the For large numbers of sample, automated crimpers are available. Snap caps are an extension of ...
High quality HPLC vials for seamless operation. Made according to Aijiren 11mm Alu Silver Crimp Cap, Clear TFE/Blue Silicone, pk/100. PSC130-11B.
Aijiren™ Autosampler Products. Ordering Information - 2mL Crimp Vials, 12 x 32mm, 11mm Opening. Ordering Information - Inserts. Crimp Vials, Caps and
detects trace levels of chemicals used in the manufacturing The crimp cap vial requires the use of a crimping tool to form the cap around the glass vial ...
2ml Snap Ring Vial, 12X32mm, 1st hydrolytic class, wide opening. The vial are used on instruments of Aijiren, Waters, Thermo Fisher etc. Autosampler vials