Sun-SRI provides high quality vials, caps, seals, septa, and closures to meet or exceed original manufacturer's equipment specifications and optimize
9mm. 20mm. Autosampler. See Page. Aijiren. 1050, 1090, . 305-310 the incorrect vial, cap or septa can contribute to problems that can decrease ...
Cap liners, also called vial septa, are selected according to the type of Before the PTFE layer is punctured, the chemical compatibility properties of ...
Prevent septa push through and over- and under-tightening. With Advanced Vial Closure System (AVCS) technology built into 9mm Thermo Scientific™ 9mm Autosampler
Mar 22, 2020 Screw 9mm (N9) HPLC Vial, Cap, Septa and Inserts ... Septa compatibility or chemical resistance with the sample and solvent is the main ...
Home; Products; Laboratory Equipment; Chromatography Products; Chromatography and Autosampler Vials. Kit Clear 9mm Vial Black Cap & T/S Septa, 100pk.
1、9mm wider opening for easy punctur 2、9mm PTFE/silicone septa, has excellent chemical inertness, acid and alkali resistance 3、9mm screw blue open top pp
Vials packaged in a clear-lid tray. Caps with septa packaged in a plastic bag. For an instrument reference chart for 2.0 mL, 9 mm Short-Cap, Screw-Thread
PTFE/Silicone/PTFE septa provide superior performance with any autosampler employing a large diameter, blunt tip needle. Septa Material, Advantages, Chemical
Using into HPLC/GC Instruments for 2ml vials and cap. PTFE / silicone septa has excellent resealing characteristics and extensive chemical compatibility ...
Polypropylene Screw Thread Caps for Chromatography Vials are supplied with a 9mm; Color: Red; Thickness: -; Style: Hole Cap with PTFE/Red Rubber Septa ...
chromatography vial septa Chemistry Labs, Organic Chemistry, 9mm HPLC vial cap and septa Thermo Fisher, Mass Spectrometry, Red And White,.
Chromatography Vials, Certified Clear Glass 9mm R.A.M.™ Vial, 12x32mm, and PP Open Top Cap, Royal Blue, Bonded PTFE/Silicone Slit Septa, with Graduated Spot
PTFE natural red rubber septa of 2 ml HPLC sample vials are moderately priced and have good chemical properties, suitable for GC and HPLC.
Aijiren 2ml HPLC Vial, Amber, 9-425 Autosampler Vial with Write-on Spot, Gratuations, 9mm Blue ABS Screw Cap, Blue PTFE & White Silicone Septa,