Zhejiang Aijiren Technologies Co.,Ltd is one of the leading China 9-425 screw thread caps with septa manufacturers and suppliers, welcome to wholesale cheap
Product Details ; 1, 2 ; Part No. V917(Economy) V913, V927(Economy) V923 ; Description, 1.5mL. Clear Short Thread Vial, 9mm Thread, 11.6*32mm, 1.5mL. Clear Short
Save time and reduce the risk of contamination using this convenience kit. It includes 100 clear vials pre-assembled with 100 screw thread caps and septa.
Chromatography Vials and Septa · Agient® Polypropylene Screw Caps with Septa
This convenience pack includes 4mL clear vials and black polypropylene 13-425 screw-thread caps with septa. Vials are manufactured from Type 1 borosilicate
Soft-Guard™ 9-425mm screw thread caps with a bonded, silicone rubber (white) & PTFE (red) non-slit septa are compatible with most 9mm, 12x32mm, 2ml screw
Screw Top Vials, Caps, Septa and Kits. works flawlessly with your Aijiren autosampler's gripping and injection ... or Aijiren Authorized Distributor.
8-425 screw thread vial caps are often used in conjunction with Shimadzu, Spectra-Physics, Varian, and other autosamplers. The plastic vial caps used are made
Chromacol is a well known innovative manufacturer and developer of sample Target DP® screw thread vials are the preferred choice for modern robotic ...
Items 1 - 50 of 1805 Our product spectrum covers a large range of vials and caps sets including e.g. sets of head space bottles, caps and septa. We offer an ...
Careers · Superior performance with all Aijiren and Waters Alliance Systems · Short cap skirt design for Robotic Maneuverability · Evaporation Resistant Closure
This section contains a list of the most popular autosampler models along with the vials, caps, septa, and inserts compatible with each instrument. Aijiren .
With Advanced Vial Closure System (AVCS) technology built into 9 mm Thermo Scientific™ 9 mm Autosampler Vial Screw Caps and Septa you will get an optimal,
However, substandard vials, caps, and septa can lead to sample loss, contamination, Reduced labor: Our short-thread screw-top vials make screwing/.
Caps for screw thread vials are available with either an open hole for autosampler use and standard addition or with a solid top for sample storage.