Thermo Scientific™ 8mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps. Available in an variety of styles to match your application. Pre-assembled caps and septa minimize contamination. Pricing and Availability. Fisherbrand™ 24mm PP Screw Seal, White, Center Hole, 24-400 Thread, Assembled Septum. Ready to use combination seals.
Alibaba chromatography vial septa with PP caps-Aijiren. Aijiren pp caps for 2ml 9-425 screw-top vials with caps lined with PTFE/Silicone septa are used in chromatography analysis, it can be used in HPLC/GC Application. Size: 9mm Cap Material: PP Color: Blue or Customized Application: For 2ml 9. Send Inquiry Chat Now.
Clear Screw Thread Vials with PTFE Lined Polypropylene Caps. Glass Vials. Made of clear glass, Our screwthreadvialsare designed with a continuous thread"CT" finish, permitting a positive seal, ideal for a variety of uses including laboratory or manufacturer’s use.
Limited-Volume 2.0 mL, 9 mm Screw-Thread Polypropylene Vials. Restek. Fit all 2.0 mL, 12 x 32 mm, vial-based autosamplers. Compatible with all 9 mm screw-thread caps. PTFE-free—ideal for PFAS analysis (e.g., EPA 537) and other PFAS-sensitive methods. Compare this item.
General description. Contains 4mL clear glass, screw-thread vials, 0.01in. thick white PTFE septa, and PP caps. Constructed of borosilicate glass. Screw-thread vials use 11 mm septa and 13-425 threaded screw-caps.
Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps Limited warranty period: Subject to all warranty requirements and exclusions set out in our Terms and Conditions of Sale, this product is warranted from the date we ship the product and for ninety (90) days thereafter.
Thermo Scientific™ 13mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps 13mm Screw Thread Caps feature a 13-425 thread finish. Available in an assortment of styles, pre-assembled caps and septa minimize contamination.
13mm Screw Thread Caps feature a 13-425 thread finish. Available in an assortment of styles, pre-assembled caps and septa minimize contamination. Pricing and Availability. Fisherbrand™ 9 mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Open Top Caps with Septa, 6 mm Hole. Fisherbrand™'s 9 mm screw thread caps and septa are fully compatible with all 9 mm
10mm Wide Opening Screw Caps and Septa feature a 10-425 thread finish and are compatible with a variety of autosamplers. They are available in an assortment of styles to match your HPLC, GC or IC application needs.
Description. Thermo Scientific™ 8mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps feature an 8-425 thread finish and are available in an assortment of styles to match your HPLC, GC or IC application needs. Convenient pre-assembled caps and septa minimize contamination from handling.
Dec 23, 2021 · Kinesis Autosampler Vials, Caps and Septas - Cole-Parmer 23 12 2021 The high-grade autosampler vials are ideal for sample Screw cap, 9 mm, blue PP, non-slitted/bonded, white PTFE/red SL septa. 100/Pk.
Thermo Scientific™ 8mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps. Available in an variety of styles to match your application. Pre-assembled caps and septa minimize contamination. Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific™ C40131A. View more versions of this product. Catalog No. 03-375-18A. $14.83 / Pack of 100.
With Advanced Vial Closure System (AVCS) technology built into 9 mm Thermo Scientific™ 9 mm Autosampler Vial Screw Caps and Septa you will get an optimal, consistent seal every time. With just one turn, they offer easy-on, easy-off convenience, and are a cost effective alternative to caps with bonded septa.
Thermo Scientific™ 8mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps feature an 8-425 thread finish and are available in an assortment of styles to match your HPLC, GC or IC application needs. Convenient pre-assembled caps and septa minimize contamination from handling. Choose from Thermo Scientific™, Thermo Scientific™ National™, and Thermo