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100/pk Snap Top Sample Vial Wholesale Labbox Export
High quality wholesale 2ml chromatography vials exporter Certified 2ml vials insert conical with high quality Aijiren 2020-07-30 China HPLC Vial Manufacturers, Suppliers and Factory * Wide opening...
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High quality wholesale 2ml chromatography vials exporter

Certified 2ml vials insert conical with high quality Aijiren 2020-07-30 China HPLC Vial Manufacturers, Suppliers and Factory * Wide opening 9-425 vials can be used on all common autosamplers, perfectly compatible with Aijiren, Thermo Scientific, Waters, Varian, etc. * Vials with intergrated micro-insert are available in clear and amber glass.

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2ml HPLC Vial Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory, Wholesale 2ml amber and clear hplc vials for sale-Aijiren HPLC Vials 2ml amber and clear hplc vials for sale-Aijiren HPLC Vials. Tel:+8618057059123. Email: simon.van@aijirenvial.com. HOME. Products. 1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC. 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis. 6-20mL GC

Thermo™ 9mm Clear Snap Top Total Recovery Vial, 100-pk

Thermo™ 9mm Clear Snap Top Total Recovery Vial, 100-pk Nearly eliminate septa push-through and improve sealing. Thermo Scientific™ 9mm Clear Glass Screw Thread Vials are 2mL, 12x32mm and built with Advanced Vial Closure System (AVCS).

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100/pk PP Snap Sample Vial Factory Labbox Export-Aijiren 2ml . Wide Opening Glass 20mm Glass Vial Exporter-Headspace GC Vial . 1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis 6-20mL GC Headspace Vials 8-60mL EPA Storage Vials HPLC Syringe Filters. About. amber OEM sample vials Aijiren-Aijiren Sample Vials

Snap-top vial for chromatography, 2 ml - Labbox Export

Snap-top vial for chromatography, 2 ml. 9,38 € – 21,37 € Borosilicate glass USP type I, wide mouth and flat base. Designed to be used with plastic snap top caps. These caps eliminate the need for crimping. They simply snap over the top of the vial, sealing the contents safe inside

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Plastic Vials at Thomas ScientificGlass insert with clear plastic vial 100uL Limited Volume Large Opening R.A.M. Vials incorporate the unique Step Vial design that precisely cent Tel: 8618057059123 E-mail:market@aijirenvial.com

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Screw Top 9mm Amber Glass .3mL HPLC Autosampler Vials w/ Integrated Micro-Insert - 100/pk, Important Ordering Information: Caps & septa sold separately. PAL System Vials & Vial Caps. PAL System Vial 2CV, 1.5ml Amber Glass with Label, designed for the PAL Autosampler. 12x32mm, 1st Class Hydrolytic Glass, fits ND9 Screw Caps, 20 CLEAR GLASS

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100/pk HPLC Snap Ring Vial on Sale China-Aijiren 2ml Sample Vials. Snap Ring 11mm Clear Plastic 0.3mL HPLC Autosampler Vials w . Snap Ring 11mm Clear Plastic 0.3mL HPLC Autosampler Vials w/ Micro-Insert - 100/pk, CV2038 - Bundle 0.3mL Clear, Polypropylene, Snap Ring Micro-Vial, 11.6x32mm, 100/pk, CV2038 From $9.42 Regular Price $10.83

Thermo Scientific™ 20mL Clear Glass, Closed Top Sample

Store your samples in these vials to eliminate leaching of ions while maintaining a consistent pH for the life of your sample. Thermo Scientific™ National™ and Thermo Scientific™ Chromacol™ Sample Storage Screw Thread Vials are manufactured from superior quality 33 expansion borosilicate clear (Type 1, Class A) or 51A amber (Type 1, Class B) glass.

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Wide Mouth Snap Top HPLC Vials on SaleSample Vials 32 x 11.6 mm Clear Glass Metal-Aijiren HPLC Vial 1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Anal

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If the sample is scarce, 2ml snap top hpl. market@aijirenvial.com. 8618057059123. Home. Common use wholesale 2ml hplc vials types-Vials Wholesaler Jan 14, 2022 ...

Clear glass sample vial - Labbox Export

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