Thermo Scientific™ 11mm Amber Snap Top Vial w/ I-D Patch. MSRP: Now: $24.00. Was: Use Thermo Scientific™ 11mm Clear Glass Crimp/Snap Top Vials with snap caps or aluminum crimp seal closures. These high-quality 11mm clear glass vials are 2mL, 12x32mm and fit most brands of autosamplers.
11mm Glass Vial Science UK-Aijiren Headspace Vials. Kinesis Snap/Crimp Top Vial 11mm PP 0.3mL (12x32mm) Fused Insert. Code: CHR2552 D2-138. The comprehensive range of vials includes micro and fused-inserts, standard 2ml autosampler and larger sample storage, headspace and EPA vials.
Headspace Vial for Shimadzu | Osaka Chemical Co.,Ltd. of 2018/06/25 · Reference Number. Product name & Specifications. Quantity. Price. AHC-20. 221-29575-00.
Product Description. SDS. M2026. volume 6 mL, Minivial, cap size 18 mm , polyethylene without liner, vial size 17 mm × 57 mm , with screw cap, pkg of 1000 ea. Pricing. V6880. volume 20 mL, cap size 22 mm , polypropylene with metal foil liner, vial size 27 mm × 61 mm , with cap, pkg of 500 ea.
Our selection of sample glass vials provide storage for all types of samples. Choose from various vial types, colors, sizes, cap liners, and caps to meet your individual application. If you need to meet ASTM Type 1 Class A and USP Type 1 standards, we have sample vials available in low extractable borosilic MORE +. Cole-Parmer EPA Precleaned
11mm PP Snap Sample Vial for Sale SHIMADZU-Aijiren 2ml Sample Shimadzu hplc vial inserts for sample vials-Aijiren HPLC Vials Vials Features of Shimadzu Vials and Septa st hydrolytic class and silanized glass ials are packaged in a cleanroomV Contamination-free septa production .5mL screw vials, 00/pack Part number 220-9733-25 220-952-03 220
Kinesis Snap/Crimp Top Vial 11mm PP 0.3mL (12x32mm) Fused Insert. Code: CHR2552 D2-138. The comprehensive range of vials includes micro and fused-inserts, standard 2ml autosampler and larger sample storage, headspace and EPA vials. Wide opening, short thread and snap-cap are just a fe
11mm PP Snap Sample Vial Wholesale UK-Aijiren 2ml Sample Vialswholesale 2ml hplc vials for hplc system UK-Vials Wholesaler ND11 Snap Vials. 11mm snap caps, septa, and vials can be Tel: 8618057059123
Aijiren Vials have a 40% larger opening than standard aluminum seal vials for easier sample filling and to reduce the chance of bent or broken needles during sampling”. Rated 4.6 /5 based on 478 customer reviews. 1.5ml snap vial 11mm snap vial 2ml snap vial snap top vial. Free Sample Get Price.
Use Thermo Scientific™ 11 mm Glass Crimp Top Vials with aluminum crimp seal closures. These high-quality 11 mm glass vials are 2 mL, 12 x 32 mm and fit most brands of autosamplers. Made of superior quality 33 expansion borosilicate clear (Type 1, Class A), they meet all requirements of US, EU, JPN Pharmacopia.
Kinesis Snap/Crimp Top Vial 11mm PP 0.3mL (12x32mm) Fused Insert Code: CHR2552 D2-138 The comprehensive range of vials includes micro and fused-inserts, standard 2ml autosampler and larger sample storage, headspace and EPA vials.
Add to Inquiry Basket. 9-425 9mm Blue Gc Vials PP HPLC Septa Cap for ND9mm Screw Top Vial. 9-425 9mm Blue Gc Vials PP. analytical vials with inserts UK-Analytical Testing Vials. 1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 1.5mL 11mm Crimp Ring Autosampler Vial ND11 1.5mL 11mm Snap Ring Autosampler Vial ND11 La-pha-pack - Vial and Closure
Buy wholesale hplc autosampler vials on stock-Vials Wholesaler 1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis 6-20mL GC Headspace Vials Home » Aijiren » HPLC Septa Cap » 8mm septum cap on stock Chrominex 13-425 screw thread cap and septa separate 13-425 10
ND11 Snap Vials - ND11 Snap Vials. 11mm snap caps, septa, and vials can be used with our standard crimp top caps. Vials are manufactured of Clear, Type 1 Class A or Amber, Type 1 Class B borosilicate glass and include a write-in patch for sample identification.
UK septa cap for snap vial-Aijiren HPLC Vials snap septa cap for HPLC vial-Aijiren HPLC Vials. 11mm Vials Closure, Septa and Cap for Snap Vials Lab Supplier. The temperature range of the snap top sample vials is 0-125 ° C, and the temperature range of the cap is -40-70 ° C. Features of Septa and Cap for Snap Vials.