The Snap Seal vial has a patented neck design that simplifies vial and cap selections, and assures reliable use with autosamplers and robotic arms. It is compatible with most autosamplers that use a 12 x 32 mm crimp style vial, including Aijiren, CTC, Finnegan, Perkins Elmer, Varian, Waters Alliance, and other.
Clear Glass 12 x 32mm Snap Neck Qsert Vial, with Cap and PTFE Septum, 300 µL Volume, 100/pkg Part Number: 186001127 Waters offers a selection of snap cap vials and snap caps/septa. McKernan - Widest selection of wholesale glass or plastic
Snap Seal™ vials (step), 12 x 32 mm, large opening, 11 mm seal volume 2 mL, amber glass vial, large opening, (6 mm), pkg of 100 ea; find Supelco-29133U MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich
Factory was moved to the current place at No. 21-12, Longsing Ln., Sec. 2 Fongsing Rd., Tanzih, Taichung, Taiwan with a total land area in 17,123m2. 1976: Founded by Mr. Horace Chang and his brothers. The Unit was formally registered as CHENFENG HYDRAULIC MACHINERY with capital in one million dollars.
12 x 32 mm Snap Neck Vial on Sale EUROPA Glassware & Packaging Solutions | DWK Life Sciences DURAN® Bulb Condenser (Allihn Condenser), NS 29/32, 250 mm KIMBLE® KONTES® Glass Chromatography Column, 25 mm, 90 mL WHEATON® Extended Contr
Clean polypropylene-molded vial, preferred in applications where there is a concern that compound or molecule may stick to a polar glass surface. This vial is a cost effective alternative to glass. Waters offers scientists and lab managers Polypropylene Snap Neck Vial, 12 x 32mm, 186005224.
Aijiren Technologies. 40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials 12 x 32 mm Use with any 11 mm snap or crimp cap Provides a total seal around the entire circumference of the vial crown The simple, efficient way to secure seal without crimping. Porivdes a consistently secure seal. A variety of snap caps. Compare this item.
Find Safety Data Sheet. Troubleshoot an Issue. Sign in to view Your Price. SKU: 186000304. Blue, 12 x 32 mm Snap Neck Cap and Preslit PTFE/Silicone Septum, 100/pk. This item is not available for sale. Contact Waters for more information. SKU: 186000303. Blue, 12 x 32 mm Snap Neck Cap and PTFE/Silicone Septum, 100/pk.
Table of Contents - NTK KemiSnap cap closures fit all SUN-SRi 12x32mm snap/crimp vials including StepVial. • Eliminate crimping and decrimping of vials with easy to apply snap cap Tel : + 8618057059123
12 x 32 mm Snap Neck Glass Vial Online-Aijiren HPLC Vial Factory. Aijiren Certified Vials, Caps and Septa - Postnova • 2 mL, 12 x 32 mm • 40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials • Unique thread design for consistently secure seal • Precision-formed neck for optimal robotic arm handling • Rigorous quality assurance for dimensional consistency from lot to lot • Optional ceramic write-on spot with fill marks
Snap to Vials, Specialty. Verex Vials. 12 x 32 mm, 9-425 (9 mm) Scr. Home » News » 2ml Snap Top Sample Vial » 12 x 32 mm Snap Neck Vial Factory Analytical Columns.
Certified QSertVial™ (vial with fused-in insert) kit, screw thread, 12 x 32 mm, 0.3 mL, pkg of 100 clear glass vial, PTFE/silicone septum (bonded with slit), thread for 9 mm; find Supelco-29392U MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich
The clear glass vial has been designed especially for the use of the side drawport needle and the factory needle draw depth settings of the Waters Alliance 2690/2695 HPLC. The vial can deliver a maximum sample capacity of ~1 mL with the minimum residual volume of ~9 μL. The Clear Glass 12 x 32 mm Snap Neck Total Recovery Vial, with Cap and
Calculate driving distance between Taichung Station, Central District, Taichung City, Taiwan 400 and Kenting National Park, Hengchun Township, Pin. How far is Kenting National Park, Hengchun Township, Pin from Taichung Station, Central District, Taichung City, Taiwan 400 in miles and how much gas is needed, travel time.
MilliporeSigma. Material: PTFE/silicone septum, aluminum seal, clear glass vial Description: unassembled Packaging: pkg of 100 ea O.D. × H × I.D.: 12 mm × 32 mm × 6.0 mm Size: 2 mL Volume: 2 mL Fitting: for 11 mm crimp. Related Products: 2 Ml Glass Vial. Compare this item.