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2ml Volume Snap Cap Vial for Sale Germany
2 ml vials with caps with patch supplier Aijiren-Aijiren 2ml autosampler vials-Aijiren HPLC Vials. 2ml Glass Vial with Screw Caps on Sale Aijiren is a supplier of Autosampler Vials since 2007,Aiji...
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2 ml vials with caps with patch supplier Aijiren-Aijiren

2ml autosampler vials-Aijiren HPLC Vials. 2ml Glass Vial with Screw Caps on Sale Aijiren is a supplier of Autosampler Vials since 2007,Aijiren provide high quality Autosampler glass vial for customers all over the world. Compared with 2ml Sample Screw Vial and 2ml Crimp Vial . China 1.5ml Vial Manufacturers, Suppliers, Company – Factory

Thermo Fisher 2 ml vials with caps in amber for liquid

2mL TrueTaper® 96-Well Collection Plate with 100uL Tapered

13mm Screw Vials & Caps in Kits – Assembled; 13mm Screw Vials & Caps in Kits – Unassembled; 13mm Solid Screw Caps with Liners; 13mm, 15 x 45mm Screw Vials; Shell Vials; Vial Inserts; Snap & Seal Vials. 12 x 33mm Snap & Seal Vials & Caps; 15 x 45mm Shimadzu Snap & Seal 4mL Vials; Head Space Vials. 18mm Screw Thread; 20mm Crimp Style; Custom

2ml amber and clear hplc vials for sale-Aijiren HPLC Vials

2ml amber and clear hplc vials for sale-Aijiren HPLC Vials. Tel:+8618057059123. Email: simon.van@aijirenvial.com. HOME. Products. 1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC. 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis. 6-20mL GC Headspace Vials. 8-60mL EPA Storage Vials.

Sale Items - Capital Analytical

Target DP 2mL Clear I-D, Black Cap, Bonded PTFE/Silicone Septum, NS Certified Convenience Kit. CERT VIALS 2 ML,9MM 100pk CRT 2ML CLR VL BND T/S. £0.00 exc VAT. Read More. Previous 1 Next. Call Us +44 (0) (113) 245 3246 info@capitalanalytical.com. Brands. We Accept.

Thermo Scientific 11 mm Glass Crimp Top Vials :Chromatography

Use Thermo Scientific™ 11 mm Glass Crimp Top Vials with aluminum crimp seal closures. These high-quality 11 mm glass vials are 2 mL, 12 x 32 mm and fit most brands of autosamplers. Made of superior quality 33 expansion borosilicate clear (Type 1, Class A), they meet all requirements of US, EU, JPN Pharmacopia.

Gc Crimp Vials at Thomas Scientific

5mL x 0. 63mm outer diameter syringe 2mL clear sample vials (144) 2mL amber sample vials (100) blue crimp caps with septa (100) green crimp caps with septa (100) red crimp caps with septa (100) septa for waste/wash vials (100) crimper - 11mm decapper - 11 mm 2 mL vial rack

Volume-Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC

11mm Snap Neck Glass Vial with Cap and Septa. Aijiren 2ml snap neck has 40% lager target area which makes it much safer for the autosampler needle. Snap vials can be closed with either snap caps or crimp caps. Snap cap vials cannot be pressurized, but can be easy as push-on, pull-off by hand.

2ml vial vial | Sigma-Aldrich

Pricing. 27468-U. volume 2 mL, amber glass vial (standard opening - 4.6 mm), O.D. × H × I.D. 12 mm × 32 mm × 4.6 mm, thread for 8-425. Pricing. Match Criteria: Product Name, Keyword. Vials, screw top with solid green Thermoset cap with PTFE liner, preassembled, pkg of 100.

SGS certified clear vials and caps for hplc sampling-Aijiren

A page listing combination kits of vials and caps for HPLC autosamplers. Various pack sizes for shipping worldwide. Vial and Cap Combination Kit Vial: 2ml, clear glass autosampler vial for use with crimp caps or snap caps. 12x32mm. Caps: Snap cap, 11 mm diameter, light blue polyethylene with pre-inserted red/white silicon / teflon® septum.

100Pcs 2ml Clear Plastic Vials Container Snap Cap Centrifuge

Disposable plastic centrifuge tube with cap. 100 x Centrifuge Tubes. Quantity: 100Pcs. Color: Transparent. Made of pp material, heat resistance up to 150 degrees, no bubble without impurities. Pointed bottom, flexible cover, easy to open.

Snap Cap Vials for Pharmacies and Dispensaries - Buy Online

Snap Cap Vials. This line of efficiently priced vials comes in an array of colors and sizes, making it easy to find the perfect fit for your application. Each vial in this series comes with an EZ Open Snap-On cap that is a cinch to open. Our vials are packaged with the lids already on and ready to go.

2ml | Sigma-Aldrich

Vials, screw top with solid green Thermoset cap with PTFE liner, preassembled, pkg of 100. Product Number. Product Description. SDS. 27000. volume 2 mL, amber glass vial (standard opening - 4.6 mm), O.D. × H × I.D. 12 mm × 32 mm × 4.6 mm, thread for 8-425.

12 Ml Vials at Thomas Scientific

40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials 12 x 32 mm Use with any 11 mm snap or crimp cap Provides a total seal around the entire circumference of the vial crown The simple, efficient way to secure seal without crimping. Porivdes a consistently secure seal. A variety of snap caps

vial 2ml | Sigma-Aldrich

volume 2 mL, clear glass vial, vial O.D. × H × I.D. 12 mm × 32 mm × 6 mm, silver aluminum seal, PTFE/red rubber aluminum seal, pkg of 100 ea Supelco pricing

We not only provide a good product, but also provide high quality service. If you are interested in our products, you can contact us in the following ways.
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