Shimadzu™ 5mL Screw Top Vial, 12 X 96mm, 10/425 Thread. Synonym (s): Shimadzu Autosampler Vials. Compare. Product No. Description. SDS. Pricing. 27319-U. volume 5 mL, thread for 10-425, pkg of 100 ea.
transparent VOA vials price Shimadzu-Voa Vial Supplier Shimadzu Scientific US Webstore - Vials, 20mL Round Bottom. Headspace vial kit with 20mL (75.5 x 22.5mm) crimp neck, clear glass, round-bottom vials and red magnetic caps with PTFE/silicone septa.
100/pk PP Snap Sample Vial Wholesale SHIMADZU-Aijiren 2ml . 100/pk Vials and Caps Factory SHIMADZU Vials and caps : Shimadzu - 1.5 ML HPLC Vial, 9 MM Screw Cap Shimadzu Vials and caps Injector valve accessories Target Vial Screw Thread Clear Seal/Cap/Septa Shimadzu White Cap with Red PTFE / White Silicone Qty/pk 100. 100/pk Standard Opening on
Shimadzu AOC-14/1400 LC 4ml vials 13mm neck Vials & Syringes – MZ-Analysentechnik GmbH Snap Seal vial is made with more glass in the neck area of the vial than the Shimadzu AOC-14/1400, SIL-68/9A, Spark, Spectra-Physics 7110, 811
Waters amber LC-MS vials supplier wholesales factory-Aijiren Vials vials with caps in clear for HPLC and GC manufacturer Waters-Aijiren Hplc Vials. LC GC Amber Glass 12 x 32mm Screw Neck Vial, with Cap and PTFE Septum, 2 mL Volume, 100/pkg Part Number: 186000846C Waters Certified vials are tested for cleanliness by HPLC and held to tightest
Shimadzu hplc vial inserts for sample vials-Aijiren HPLC Vials. Vials Features of Shimadzu Vials and Septa 1st hydrolytic class and silanized glass ials are packaged in a cleanroomV Contamination-free septa production 1.5mL screw vials, 100/pack Part number 220-97331-25 220-91521-03 220-97331-26 Type Clear, screw vial Clear, screw vial with integrated 0.2mL micro-insert Amber, screw vial Write
Shimadzu Scientific US Webstore - Vials Pre-Cleaned VOA Vials 40ml Clear, Open Top w/0.125" PTFE/Silicone Septa, 72pk. Rinse/Waste Vials with Diffusion Caps, 4mL, Set of 12. Snap Plug, Starburst 8mm, Clear Low Density Polyethylene Pack of 1000. Snap Top Vial Cap 11mm Clear Polypropylene 10mil PTFE Pack of 100.
VIALS & CAPS - Lab. Short thread vials and micro-vials ND9 can be used on almost all autosamplers. You can replace other 1.5 ml vial types (e.g. 11 mm crimp neck vials, 8-425 and 10-425 screw neck vials), which can help rationalise stocks. Properties • 1st hydrolytic class glass • In clear and amber glass • With various bottom shapes.
vial inserts suit for 9-425 supplier Shimadzu-Aijiren HPLC Vials 2ml clear or amber autosampler vial,12mm Diameter,32mm Height,9-425 screw top.Our vials with caps are widely used in standard HPLC and GC applications.The vials can be used on all common autosamplers due to their technical geometry, preferentially they are found on Aijiren, HTA, Shimadzu, Thermo, Varian, Waters, etc.
National Scientific. . Superior quality N-51A clear borosilicate glass 5mL sample vial is designed for use in the Shimadzu™ Model ASI-5000 Screw thread vial fits standard 10-425 closures (included with pre-assembled product) Open-top vial was designed in cooperation with the original equipment manufacturer.
Lab Borosilicate Glass 12x32mm 9mm Screw Top 1.8ml Hplc Vials For Shimadzu Instrument , Find Complete Details about Lab Borosilicate Glass 12x32mm 9mm Screw Top 1.8ml Hplc Vials For Shimadzu Instrument,2ml Screw Glass Vial For Shimadzu Instrument,1.8ml Hplc Vials With 9mm Screw Closure,2ml Autosampler Consumables Lab Use from Laboratory Bottle Supplier or Manufacturer-Zhejiang Aijiren
Vials, LC, 1.5mL with Snap Caps 100/pk - Shimadzu. Borosilicate glass (low impurity Type I Class A) with snap-on cap and pre-inserted PTFE/silicone septum. The snap cap style is ideal for high volume labs that require fast and easy sample preparation. Vial size is 12 x 32 mm with no writing patch. 100 vials and caps per pack.
Home » News » Crimp Vials » Iso9001 crimp neck vial Shimadzu Vials and Caps (for Liquids) | SHIMADZU DEUTSCHLAND 1.5 ml Crimp Vials and Crimp Caps (do not use for SIL-10ADVP) Part number Description PCS Details 980-01705 1.5ml Crimp neck vial clear glass, ND11 1000 Details 980-05740 Aluminium Crimp Cap, ND11, with septa Silicone
1.5 ml short thread vial-Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH Webstore1.5 ml short thread vial, 9 mm screw neck, wide opening, clear 1st hydrol. Class glass, silanized, label and filling lin Tel : + 8618057059123
2ml Crimp Top HPLC Sample Vials for SHIMADZU. 2ml crimp sample vials are manufactured by 33 expansion borosilicate glass. Select 2ml crimp sample vials for light-sensitive samples. This vial is equipped 11mm aluminum cap and septa. Aijiren provides 2ml amber sample vial in clear-pack trays. 2ml autosampler vial is compatible with closures come.