网页Autosampler Vials, Caps and Closures Thermo Scientific Storage Vials & Closures. Store your samples in these vials to eliminate leaching of ions while maintaining a consistent
网页Certified 40 ml Vial Kit Glass vial, open top cap with PTFE / silicone septum Content: 100 pcs. / pack Including vials, caps and septum P/N Item Description Conent 961-10010-09 Full kit of 100 vials, caps and septa see data below 100 pcs./pack 961-10020-29
网页Wide Openning Glass Snap Cap Vial for Sale Lab Materials Chromatography Vial Closures | VWRCaps for VWR® Versatile 11 mm Dual Crimp-Top/Snap-Cap Vials. Supplier: VWR International Tel : + 8618057059123
网页2021/8/13 · 2021/8/7 · Wide Openning Glass Snap Cap Vial Suppliers Australia-Aijiren 2ml Sample Vials Can be used with crimp or snap caps. Wide Opening Glass/Plastic Crimp/Snap Top Vials (2715F86) Polypropylene body with a glass-flanged insert molded to the inside Sample contacts only the 100 µL high quality glass insert and the septum.
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网页Thermo Scientific 9 mm Wide Opening Amber Glass Screw Thread Vials are 2 mL, 12 x 32 mm and built with Advanced Vial Closure System (AVCS). This innovation not only prevents septa push through, but provides a stop point for the cap to prevent over- or under-tightening and provide an optimal, consistent seal every time.
网页wholesale glass vials with cap Waters-Vials Wholesaler. 20ml Glass Vial with White Cap on Sale--Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC. Aijiren’s 2ml vial has a size of 32*12mm, 2ml, screw mouth. It is equivalent in size to 11mm crimp top vials and 10-425 thread vials. 9mm screw vials can be used in any autosampler that uses 11mm crimp top vials and 10
网页11 mm Wide Opening Glass Crimp/Snap Top Vials, Use Thermo Scientific 11 mm Crimp/Snap Top Vials with snap caps or aluminum crimp seal closures. These high-quality 11mm glass vials Email: market@aijirenvial.com Tel/Whatsapp:+8618057059123 Chat Now
网页Thornton Plastic vials come standard with snap caps. The vials are crystal clear and include a long-lasting, tight-fitting, white polyethylene snap cap. The vials come in 14 different sizes to accommodate most small packaging needs and storing applications. If needed, you can convert drams into measurements such as ounces, grams, or millimeters
网页Chromatography Vials - VWR Description: These 11 mm crimp top, standard opening vials have a maximum fill volume of 1.8 ml and are manufactured from high purity borosilicate glass. New Product ,82028-402ACS,66020-953ACS,66020-953APK,82028-404ACS
网页Wide Mouth Snap Top Sample Vials for Sale-Aijiren HPLC Vial Nalgene 125 ml Wide-Mouth LDPE Bottles with Closure. Regular price $2 40 $2.40. Snap Cap Vials, Plastic. Specimen Containers, Screw Top, 4 oz. Regular price $14 75 $14.75. Specimen
网页2022/8/1 · Home » News » Septa Cap Manufacturer » crimp septum cap for snap vial Australia 2022 08 01 Australia crimp cap vial exporter-Lab Chromatography Supplier Pharma-Fix. For use with 20mm Crimp Top Headspace
网页Antibodies & Protein Biology - Fisher SciVials with Phenolic Caps and Polyvinly-faced Liners (1) WISP 48 Snap-Seal Vial (1) WISP 48 Step Vial (1) WISP Style 96
网页For use with snap caps or aluminum crimp seal closures, these high-quality 11mm amber glass vials are 2mL, 12x32mm and fit most brands of autosamplers. Made of superior quality 51A (Type 1, Class B), they meet all requirements of US, EU, JPN Pharmacopia.