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Wide Openning Snap Neck Vial Suppliers SHIMADZU
2ml Snap Top Glass Vial for Sale–Aijiren Autosampler Vials 11-425 snap top autosampler vial, often used in conjunction with Shimadzu, Spectrophysics, Varian and other autosamplers. The bottle...
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2ml Snap Top Glass Vial for Sale--Aijiren Autosampler Vials

11-425 snap top autosampler vial, often used in conjunction with Shimadzu, Spectrophysics, Varian and other autosamplers. The bottle is made of colorless Class 1 Type A or Amber Class 1 Type B borosilicate glass.


VWR® 10mm Wide Opening Screw Thread Vials 2mL, 12x32mm 10mm Wide Opening Screw Thread Vials and Inserts • 10-425 thread finish • Vials feature a write-on patch with graduation for convenient sample identification • Wide-neck opening design allows for easy filling; requires inserts with a diameter of 6mm

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Shimadzu micro insert with mandrel interior and polymer feet

2.4.1 Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide opening and appropriate Micro-Inserts ipX2500 250 ul Insert with mandrel interior and polymer feet 29*5.7 mm suits for ND11 Vials iX3000 300 ul Micro-Insert,31*6 mm, clear glass, flat bottom suits for ND11 Vials the VialS are preferentially uSeD on inStrumentS of the folloWinG manufaCtureS • knauer • Shimadzu

B&C Biotech - Chromlab Analytical autosampler vial

Wide opening enables easy filling with viscous materials. Reduce the chances of bent or broken needles during sampling. Broad range of Micro-Inserts . z Packed in a cleanroom class 100,000. The vials are preferentially used on instruments of the following manufacturers: Jasco, Perkin Elmer, Shimadzu, Varian, Waters®, etc.

CATALOGUE PROPOSAL - valerus-bg.com

Screw Neck Vials ND8, 8-425 Thread, with small opening Micro-Inserts for Screw Neck Vials ND8, with small opening PP Screw Seals ND8, black, 5.5mm hole, 8-425 Thread, with assembled septa 3in1 Kits for VWR (Merck®)/Hitachi Autosampler 2in1 Kits for Varian Autosampler Art. No. No. Vial No. Seal 11 09 0210 08 15 0293

Vials and Septa – Laboratory Consumables | Shimadzu

Vials and Septa to meet your application: 1.5mL, 4mL, 10mL and 20mL headspace vials, EPA screw vials, crimpers and decappers, MS Certified Kits

VWR Autosampler Vials, Inserts and Closures

VWR® 10mm Wide Opening Screw Thread Vials 2mL, 12x32mm 10mm Wide Opening Screw Thread Vials and Inserts • 10-425 thread finish • Vials feature a write-on patch with graduation for convenient sample identification • Wide neck opening design, allows easy filling, requires inserts with a diameter of 6mm

Integrated 0.3mL autosampler vial inserts supplier Shimadzu

Vials Cap Septa for GC HPLC - HPLC Solvent Inlet Filter. Vial Inserts Micro-Insert 0.3mL Amber Screw Vial Integrated w/Micro-Insert, w/Write-on Spot,Base Bonded, 11.6*32mm 1)9mm screw vials can be used on all common autosampler 2)Standard narrow neck design for GC and HPLC 3)9mm wider opening for easy. Get price >.

La-pha-pack - Vial and Closure - Phoenix Sci

Snap Ring ND11. The vials are preferentially used on instruments of the following manufacturers: Aijiren, CTC, DANI, Dionex, Jasco, Shimadzu, Spark, Thermo Scientific, Varian, VWR (Merck®)/Hitachi, Waters®, etc. Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide opening Plastic Snap Ring Micro-Vials ND11. Micro-Inserts for Snap Ring Vials ND11 with wide opening


Free Call: 1800 723 405 - sales@pacif iclab.com.au 3 9-425 Screw top vials provide 40% larger opening than standard narrow opening vials. ˜ 32 x 12 mm, 2ml, Screw neck. ˜ Compatible with all autosamplers due to technical geometry

Vials | VWR

Screw neck vials, ND8. Micro-inserts for wide opening. ... These vials are intended for use on instruments from the following manufacturers: Dionex, Shimadzu ...

Scientific - VBGL

1.5 ml wide opening snap-top vial, clear 11.6*32 mm VX10270 1.5 ml wide opening snap-top vial with write-on spot, clear 11.6*32 mm VX10350 1.5 ml wide opening snap-top vial, amber 11.6*32 mm VX10450 1.5 ml wide opening snap-top vial with write-on spot, amber 11.6*32 mm 2.4.1 Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide opening and appropriate Micro-Inserts

1-4mL Autosampler Vials For HPLC,UPLC,GC - Zhejiang Aijiren

Chromatography Vials, PTFE/Silicone Septa, HPLC Vials manufacturer / supplier in China, offering ND24 Screw Neck 40ml Lab Glass Transparent EPA Vial V4017/V4015, 150microliter Glass Micro-Inserts 8-425 Screw Neck Autosampler Vial Shimadzu IP150, Lab 2ml 11mm Crimp Neck Aluminum Cap Gc-Ms Autosampler Vial and so on.

Catalogue proposal - valerus-bg.com

Crimp Neck Vials ND11, with wide opening Micro-Inserts for Crimp Neck Vials ND11, with wide opening 11 06 0006: 11mm Crimper 11 07 0002: 11mm Decapper The vials are preferentially used on instruments of the following manufacturers: Aijiren, Carlo Erba, CTC, Dani, Fisons, Gerstel, Jasco, Perkin Elmer, Shimadzu, Spark, Thermo, Varian, etc. 11 09 0356

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