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Wide Openning Snap Ring Sample Vial on Sale SHIMADZU
Shimadzu Scientific US Webstore Shimadzu Scientific US Web Store. VIAL, 20MM STEEL CRIMP CAP, 5MM CENTER HOLE, RED (ULTRA HIGH TEMP) SILICONE/PTFE SEPTA (100/PK) ND11 Snap Vials – Quzhou Lab...
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ND11 Snap Vials - Quzhou Lab Technology Co.,Ltd

ND11 Snap Vials. 11mm snap caps, septa, and vials can be used with our standard crimp top caps. Vials are manufactured of Clear, Type 1 Class A or Amber, Type 1 Class B borosilicate glass and include a write-in patch for sample identification

Vials and Septa – Laboratory Consumables | Shimadzu

Vials and Septa to meet your application: 1.5mL, 4mL, 10mL and 20mL headspace vials, EPA screw vials, crimpers and decappers, MS Certified Kits

Glass Snap Cap Vials at Thomas Scientific

temperatures to 135°C. Can be used with crimp or snap caps. 1.5 mL Wide Opening Snap Top High Recovery Glass Vials (2714S59) Wide opening, 1.5 mL vials with 30 µL reservoir. For sample concentration and injection without transferring to microvolume inserts. Can be used with snap or crimp caps.

Snap Ring vials, 1.5 mL, 11.6 x 32 mm volume 1.5 mL, clear

General description VIALS TAKING 11mm SNAP TOP SEALS LARGE OPENING, 12 × 32mm Use with: Aijiren / HP series I/II, , , 1042, 1090, 8042, 1050, 1082, 1080, 1084 AIM CPS-200 A.I. (42 vial tray) Alcott 738 Altex AMS 42 Antek 736 ASC Beckman 501, 507 Carlo Erba AS V42, AS 105 Carnegie CMA 230/200 Chrompack Dani 39.80, ALS 39.80 Dynatech 42 Finnigan 200S Gilson (Rack 30P) Gynkotek

Crimp/Snap Vials, Caps and Kits | Thermo Fisher Scientific - AU

Vials, caps and accessories - Shimadzu

1.2 11 mm crimp vials page 12 1.3 11 mm snap ring vials page 14 2. GC-MS & LC-MS certified vials page 15 3. TORAST-H vials page 16 3.1 9 mm screw vials page 18 3.2 Bio vial page 18 4. 4 ml standard vials page 19 4.1 13 mm screw neck page 19 5. Headspace vials page 20 5.1 18 mm screw vials page 20 5.2 20 mm crimp neck page 22 6.

Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH Webstore - Vials & Caps

Certified Kit 1.5 ml for LCMS, clear glass with label, wide open , with Shimadzu certificate 1.5 ml short thread vial, 9 mm screw neck, LabTotal vial with Shimadzu certificate, wide opening, clear 1st hydrol.

Vials | VWR

Avantor ®, a Fortune 500 company, is a leading global provider of mission-critical products and services to customers in the biopharma, healthcare, education & government, and advanced technologies & applied materials industries.

Snap Vial With Closures On Sale--Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC

Aijiren 2ml 11mm Snap Ring HPLC Vials has a standard scale and writing area for easy filling and identification. 2ml 11mm Sanp Ring HPLC vial can be matched with most autosamplers on the market, such as Aijiren, Thermo Fisher, Shimadzu and other well-known brands.

La-pha-pack - Vial and Closure

Snap Ring ND11. The vials are preferentially used on instruments of the following manufacturers: Aijiren, CTC, DANI, Dionex, Jasco, Shimadzu, Spark, Thermo Scientific, Varian, VWR (Merck®)/Hitachi, Waters®, etc. Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide opening Plastic Snap Ring Micro-Vials ND11. Micro-Inserts for Snap Ring Vials ND11 with wide opening

Crimp/Snap Cap Vials - Innovative Products for Sample

Dry Vials are made with standard opening 1.5mL, 12x32mm vials with a pre-crimped aluminum seal having a PTFE/Rubber Septum. Dry Vials are available in Clear, Type 1 Class A or Amber, Type 1 Class B borosilicate glass.

Autosampler Vials - Fisher Sci

Autosampler Vials, Caps, and Closures Thermo Scientific™ 20 mm Headspace Vials, Septum, and Caps Headspace vials are available in clear or amber glass with a round or flat base, a crimp seal with a beveled or square edge finish, or with a screw-thread finish.

Fisherbrand Chromatography Vials and Closures

Snap Ring Vials 11mm range. These vials are preferentially used with autosampler models from the following manufacturers: Aijiren, CTC, DANI, Dionex, Jasco, Shimadzu, Spark, Thermo Scientific, Varian, VWR (Merck™)/Hitachi and Waters. Refer to the Autosampler Compatibility Chart for further information.

Aijiren supply 1.5ml/2ml HPLC vial in wholesale price

Aijiren autosampler vials are widely used in High Performance Liquid Chromatography and GC/MS. As we all know, autosampler vial is called HPLC vial.Aijiren is the HPLC vial manufacturer, which supply 8-425 HPLC vial, 9mm short thread screw autosampler vial, 10-425 screw HPLC vial, ND11 snap HPLC vial, ND11 crimp HPLC vial with aluminum cap and so on.

We not only provide a good product, but also provide high quality service. If you are interested in our products, you can contact us in the following ways.
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