vials are used with GC or LC autosamplers or other automated instruments, microlitre vial with inner cone ... 0.1mL Micro-insert, 1st hydrolytic class,.
Poster autosampler vials and caps (English): KATEN200086 702716. Insert for wide opening vials, clear, with plastic spring. 0.1 mL. 5.7 x 29 mm.
Suitable. Micro-Inserts, Seals, Septa and Caps for these vials will follow in the subsequent chapters. In case you don't find the model in the Autosampler.
Allow movement of the vials as a unit to injection positions in both GC and HPLC autosamplers. • Thermo Scientific™ Chromacol GOLD™ glass quality,
Vial Organic is extremely safe because only micro quantities of reactants are used, reactants are contained in tightly sealed vials, and only water baths
Items 1 - 40 of 261 Our vials are designed to work perfectly with most autosamplers including Aijiren, Shimadzu, Waters, Thermo Fisher, Perkinelmer and ...
vials to 1152 samples with micro well plates) the Dionex now have the flexibility to mix and match features to suit your.
Autosampler syringes. • Vials and closures. Aijiren CrossLab is more than supplies: *Formerly Varian GC systems, now Bruker products.
TPX microsampling vials are Select black caps for use with Waters Alliance autosamplers ... water vapor contributed by the vial interior surfaces.
Jan 11, 2016 Micro-membrane Suppressed Ion Chromatography for Chloride, Nitrate, ... Water samples are normally collected in clean 50ml vials or 250 ml ...
300µL Autosampler Vial Inserts Suit for 11mm Crimp Vial Tisch Scientific Micro insert 0.1mL conical with assembled plastic spring for wide opening vials ...
2.0-mL autosampler vials, Waters PN 186000307, or equivalent. PFOA and 13C8 PFOS, at 0.5 μg/mL by diluting 0.1 mL 13C8PFOA-stk (50.0 μg/mL).
For use with snap caps or aluminum crimp seal closures, these high-quality 11mm amber glass vials are 2mL, 12x32mm and fit most brands of autosamplers.
portfolio in the areas of filtration, rapid tests, water analysis, autosampler vials and closures along with some accessories, like e.g. crimping tools.
Three Way Micro Distributor Adapter for Water and Wastewater, Method 3500-As B. Kimble® ... Designed for use with GC and autosampler vials that.