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Results 1 - 15 of 141 Thermo Scientific™ Septa for 8-425 Screw Thread Caps are constructed of PTFE, PTFE/rubber, or PTFE/silicone to suit a variety of HPLC, GC ...
Screw closure; 12 x 32mm; Borosilicate glass material; Composed of a glass vial and a glass limited volume insert fused together; Eliminates sample
Autosampler Vials 2mL, HPLC/GC Sample Vials, with Writing Area and Graduations, 9-425 Screw Cap, Blue PTFE & White Silicone Pre-Slit Septa,
Screw closure; Polypropylene micro-vial material; 12 x 32mm; 9-425; Quantity of 100 vials per unit; Formerly PPV-0910
9-425 Screw-thread vials give excellent sealing as well as the ease of applying and removing by C2-2, Blue polypropylene screw caps, closed top, 100/PK.
Vials are made from superior quality 33 expansion borosilicate clear Type 1, Autosampler compatible closures come in different colors, sizes, ...
Vials, vial inserts, septa, and caps/closures with or without septa for use with autosamplers and autosampler vials; includes a variety of sizes,