China 50UL Micro Insert Suit for 8-425 Vials - China. 50uL Insert with mandrel interior and polymer feet, 29*5mm; suits for ND8 Vials. Glass inserts with polymer feet. Conical with precision-formed mandrel interior, 50 μl . Replaces for Shimadzu Inserts, 50uL with bottom spring, used with ND8 2mL Shimadzu screw-thread vials .
Choose from our selection of plastic vials in a wide range of styles and sizes. In stock and ready to ship.
Plastic Vials and Tubes. Plastic Vials include Nalgene® Micro Packaging Vials, PETG Screw Thread Vials, and Pharmacy Vials. Vials come in amber and clear. Polypropylene Centrifuge Tubes are clear with blue closures. Centrifuge Tubes.
50 ($0.75/Item) Honbay 20pcs 5ml Plastic Test Tubes Screw Cap Vial Orange Seal Cap Container. 4.6 out of 5 stars. 220. $7.99. $7. . 99. Genmine 1000pcs 0.2ml Microcentrifuge Tube Plastic Test Vials with Lids Plastic Sample Small Bottle Vial Storage Container Test Tube Micro Centrifuge Tube with Snap Cap for Lab.
Semi-Micro Cells. Semi-Micro Cuvettes-New For 8-425 vial. 150µl Insert with mandrel interior and polymer feet, 29*5mm; suits for 8-425 Vials, 100ea/pkg .. US$48 ...
2ml HPLC Glass vials 8-425 5mm Micro Vial Insert, US $ 2.8 - 3.5 / Pack, Hot Stamping, Chemical, Glass.Source from Zhejiang Aijiren Technologies Co., Ltd. on
150µL Micro Vial Suit for 9-425 Vial Shimadzu China 150microliter Glass Micro-Inserts 8-425 Screw Neck 150microliter Glass Micro-Inserts 8-425 Screw Neck Autosampler Vial Shimadzu IP150 picture from Zhejiang Aijiren Technology, Inc. view photo of Micro-Vial, Insert Spring, Standard Opening Vial Insert.Contact China Suppliers for More Products
Aijiren 1.8ml 8-425 Glass Micro Vial Insert , Find Complete Details about Aijiren 1.8ml 8-425 Glass Micro Vial Insert,8-425 Glass Vial Insert,1.8ml Vial Insert,8-425 Glass Micro Vial Insert from Supplier or Manufacturer-Zhejiang Aijiren Technologies Co., Ltd.
Aijiren 1.8ML 8-425 Glass Micro Vial Insert, US $ 0.035 - 0.065 / Piece, Other, Other, Aijiren, 2ML-N1001---2ML-N1004.Source from Zhejiang Aijiren Technologies Co., Ltd
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Micro-Insert, Clear Glass, Flat Bottom, Suits for ND9 Vials, 315mm & 316mm, 100pcs (250ul) : DIY & Tools
Plastic Cuvette (1) Semi-Micro Cells (50) + 150µl Insert with mandrel interior and polymer feet, 29*5mm; suits for 8-425 Vials, 100ea/pkg .. US$48.30 US$24.00.
Vials. Fisher Scientific offers the vials you need for all of your laboratory requirements and applications. Whether your needs include chromatography, sample storage, cryo-preservation or scintillation, we have options for you.
Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion
50µL Plastic Micro Vial Suit for 0-425 Vial 0-425 Plastic Screw-Thread Vials, Thermo Scientific | VWR Choose from this selection of chemically inert polypropylene vials that are suitable for most chromatography applicationsDesigned to use separating organic and inorganic compounds for analysis, chromatography vials come in different finishes