Complete with screw, crimp and snap top closures and standard or speciality septa and liners. Our products are designed to suit all the major Instrument
50 Shimadzu 220-90547-00. 93.50. * With CenterGuide. CHROMSPEC™ ELB Extremely Low Bleed Septa. Economical die-cut. C664961150 CHROMSPEC™ ELB Septa, 11mm.
Snap/Crimp Cap Vial Advantage Packs page 7 X-Vial, 350μl Fused Insert, Amber Glass. 100 Pack ... Microsampling Vial, 300μl, Conical Bottom,.
Sep 15, 2015 Micro-Inserts for Crimp Neck Vials ND11 with wide opening ... Available as 8mm and 9mm screw thread and 11mm snap caps.
2.4.1 Crimp Neck V ials ND11, wide opening, and appropriate Micro-Inserts . 2.4.5 Crimper for 11mm crimp vials ... glass, flat bottom; suits.
Flanged caps are preferred for Shimadzu and Tosoh autosamplers National 11mm Standard Opening Crimp Top Vials and Inserts. Description.
0.2ml,31 x 6mm flat bottom micro insert (For 9mm vial). 100. Inserts. Part No. Item Name 11mm Silver Aluminium Crimp Caps with Center hole, with White.
These 300 µL glass conical insert and 12 x 32 mm vial are one precise integral unit. LVI Crimp Top Vial, 300 µL. Screw Top Vials. These standard (4.6mm) and
Glass vial fixed with insert (250µL-300µL). Micro Suit for 9mm/11mm vial. 11mm crimp ... The crimp vial is most suitable for GC and GC/MS applications.
Interlocked Vial/Insert 300uL Amber, 11mm Crimp or Snap Ring 100-pk. REST-22439 Merlin MicroShot Injector 1.0uL Volume Delivery. REST-22229.
Use SureSTART™ Performance Level 3 Glass Inserts in 2 mL screw, snap, or crimp top vials when analyzing very small sample sizes (less than 2 mL).
contaminants to enter the instrument through the column seal, CrossLab crimp top micro vials work seamlessly with CombiPAL and GC PAL magnetic needle ...
Headspace Vials 20mL (22x75) Screw Thread, Clear Glass, 100-pk Rounded Bottom · Interlocked Vial/Insert 300uL Amber, 11mm Crimp or Snap Ring 100-pk.
Shimadzu sells many types of vials and septa. 1st hydrolytic class and silanized glass vials. Screw vials, micro-vials, caps and sept, screw vial kits and
For 11mm vials. Use with decapper REST-23397. Price: $223.00.